Business: Grant Application Process



Steps for Applying for Grant Funds 

The following is a brief explanation of steps required to apply for a grant by Foothill-De Anza Community College District. This is a requirement for all District employees. For a successful grant application, please have a timeline of six to eight weeks to go through the “Pre-Award" process. 




Phase I - Preliminary Grant Evaluation and Concept Approval (1 to 3 weeks)

Submission and approval of the Preliminary Evaluation and Grant Concept Form. For details refer to the timeline on the form.


Phase II - Grant Application Development and Submission to the Grantor (4 to 5 weeks)

After the grant concept form is approved (Phase I), please allow 4 to 5 weeks to work on the grant application, workplan, budget and final application packet. This step requires a coordinated effort between the program, campuses and Grants Office.

Submit the final application along with a completed Grant Routing Sheet at least 5 business days before the deadline. Please allow enough time to schedule electronic submissions, at least 2 business days before the actual application deadline. For details refer to the timeline on the form.


Example Timeline for Phase I and II


Timeline for Phase I and II




 Please click here for more information on Phase III - Post-Award.




Project Director - Principal Investigator (PD/PI):

Project Director/Principal Investigator is responsible and accountable for overall management and administration of the grant under the fiscal oversight of the Financial Manager, adhering to policies and procedures established by the granting agency as well as the District, and ensuring timely and accurate completion and submission of required grant, budget and expenditure reports to the granting agency.  PD/PI also coordinates grant work, monitors budgeted funds and expenditures, budget revisions, cost/non-cost extensions, coordinates with sub-awardees on grant goals, and addresses any audit issues that may arise.


Financial Manager:

The Financial Manager assumes the overall managerial and fiscal responsibility of the grant and the individuals who are working on the grant. This is generally a Department Dean or senior level administrator at the campus pursuing the grant.


Grants Office:

The Grants Office provides fiscal oversight of the grant, working closely with the PD/PI to provide support and guidance; however, final responsibility for compliance lies with the PD/PI. The Grants Office monitors expenditures to ensure expenses are in accordance with guidelines outlined in the grant agreement, verifies adherence to District policies and procedures, prepares ad-hoc financial reports, coordinates budget revisions, expense transfers and other adjustments, creates invoices, reviews and facilitates quarterly and annual grant reports and budget and expenditure report certifications, coordinates with external auditors on issues related to the grant, and communicates with the granting agency if needed.