Business: FAQ’S on Direct Pay Form

FAQ’S on Direct Pay Form

Original Receipt or Invoices must be attached, Services are not allowed see “Invoice For Services Rendered Form”


What types of payments can I submit on a Direct Pay Form?

Administration Fees

Annual Accreditation Fees

Apportionments owed to Training Programs

Benefit payments

DHL Delivery charges

Dues and Memberships

Health Care Premiums

Insurance Fees

License Fees

Medical Insurance Fees

Non-Employee Reimbursements for Mileage and Travel

Payroll Garnishments

Petty Cash Reimbursements to the colleges

Postage & Meter Replenish

Registrations for HotelsandConferences

Reimbursements for non-travel related expenses

Required Deposits

Risk Management Claims

Small Equipment purchases (non-capital)

State Agency Fees


Supplies and materials (with original invoice)



What is the turn around for payment?

Once Accounts Payable receives the Direct Pay Form, and if all supporting documentation and approvals are included, the turnaround is within eight days.

Who must approve the Direct Pay Form?

Accounts Payable follows the Board Resolutions and signature authority requirements.

What if Foothill and De Anza share in the cost of using a vendor, can I submit just our portion of the bill?

No, either the Direct Pay Form must include both FOAP’s and required signatures or one from each campus be submitted at the same time.  Accounts Payable is unable partially pay an invoice.

I ordered promotional items imprinted with our information can I use a Direct Pay Form?

Yes we consider this to be a product therefore you may use a Direct Pay Form.

I have an annual membership/dues crosses fiscal years, how will the expense be applied?

Accounts Payable will divide the payment by 12 and charge the amounts according to the Fiscal Years they fall into.

My vendor requires a deposit what do I do?

Have your vendor provide an invoice stating the deposit amount and the balance remaining. 

When submitting a Direct Pay Form for the balance due, also include a copy of the Direct Pay Form you submitted when requesting the deposit.

I have a monthly rental that needs to be paid can I use a Direct Pay Form?

No, this is reportable income for tax purposes and considered a service.  Submit a Purchase Requisition with your rental agreement attached and ensure the vendor has a W9 on file.

I have a one time rental or service I received can I use a Direct Pay Form?

No, this is reportable income for tax purposes and considered a service, please use an Invoice for Services Rendered form, attach the agreement and a W9.

May I use a Direct Pay Form to pay a Student Award, Cash Payment or Prize (previously referred to as a stipend)? (W9 is required if approved since this is reportable income for tax purposes).

It depends on the payment nature and circumstances and requires review and approval from one of the following:

Executive Director, Fiscal Services, Vice President, Finance & College Operations, Vice President of Finance & Administrative Services, Executive Director, FHDA Foundation.

I purchased food for a working meeting what is required?

Food purchases in the general fund are highly restricted especially since they can be a gift of public funds if they are expended under inappropriate circumstances.  Guidelines for allowable food purchases are pending shared governance approval.  The guidelines demonstrate prudent food selection and cost, the necessary business purpose and a clear benefit to the institution and students.  If allowable, the Direct Pay Form must include, original vendor invoice, meeting agenda, list of attendees and their role in the program, and a sign in sheet.

When in doubt, please check with your campus Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services for Foothill or Vice President of Finance and College Operations for De Anza or Vice Chancellor of Business Services to verify appropriate use of college funds prior to arranging for food or business meal purchases.